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Why Don’t We Follow God

What was Jonah’s excuse?  He didn’t like the people of Nineveh.  I’ve read several different things Jonah might have been thinking.  The one I like the most is that Jonah was upset because of what the people of Nineveh had done.  They were wicked people in his sight.  He thought they were horrible sinners and he was right.  Jonah was frustrated with God's request.  Jonah had spoken out against the people of Nineveh and now God wanted him to go witness to them.  Jonah was really struggling with the task God had called him to do.   

What Jonah missed was that we are all sinners.  Not one of us deserves what God has done for us.  I also missed this principle.  God had a calling on my life but my excuse for not doing things God’s way was because I had been done wrong by various people over the years.  Many times, those who had done me wrong professed to be Christians.   Instead of dealing with these issues in a Biblical way, I let bitterness and frustration take hold in my heart and in my mind.  

Know what happened?  Over time I became the type of man who had done me wrong in the past.  In my eyes, the “thing” I did was a reaction to something they had done.  Rationalization allowed me to develop situational ethics.   My wrong wasn’t as bad as their wrong, therefore, I was right.  That my friend is called messed up logic! As my daddy always told me growing up, two wrongs never make a right. 

What's your excuse for not following God? 


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