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Becoming a Man of God

I personally lived as a “split-rail” Christian for most of my adult life. I was open about my faith when asked and “tried” to live according to God’s word each day. But in reality, I had separated God from my life. I went about my day-to-day business using God when I needed Him and leaving Him out when not convenient. This dichotomy of existence caused internal issues within me that rose to the surface as both the inability to control my temper, frustration, and bitterness.

Then one day it hit me!  I couldn’t live like this anymore.  Something had to change.  It was time to become a man of God.  If you are at this point then take a few minutes to listen.  You will learn what’s holding you back and the 3 steps you can immediately take to get on the right path.

Nathan Tabor is the founder of Handling Life.    Handling Life is a ministry focused on helping others “handle life” by turning back to God.  All Handling Life materials are from a Bible-Based, Christ-Centered perspective.   Handling Life reaches tens of thousands of people through social media, videos, podcasts, blogs, websites, and emails to reach people on a daily basis.  Learn more at

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